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What Are Copper Pinhole Leaks?

Delivering Quality Comfort to the Homes and Businesses of Hartford County and New Haven County


Copper pipes have earned quite a reputation in the plumbing world. Copper is a very durable material for pipes, while still remaining very easy to cut, shape, and work with in general. Sound too good to be true? Well, it's not—but that doesn't mean that copper pipes are 100% without issue. That is too good to be true. Every plumbing material has its pros and cons and, for copper pipes, pinhole leaks are definitely in the latter category.

If you suspect that you have pinhole leaks in your copper pipes, there is no quick fix that you can complete yourself. You'll need to contact a professional plumber in West Hartford, CT to deal with the problem. Of course, you're already reading this, which means you've already found the plumbers you can trust with the job. Before you can let us know about the problem, however, you must first understand a bit more about copper pinhole leaks and some warning signs to look out for.

Trouble from the Inside Out

Even professional plumbers with video pipe inspection equipment are not going to be scouring the inside of every pipe in a house looking for signs of trouble. When you see a dented or perforated pipe, you know that is going to be an issue, and it's fairly easy to spot. Copper pinhole leaks are different, though, because by the time you see them the damage has already been done. The pinhole leak is not so much a symptom or a sign of trouble as it is evidence of a problem coming to fruition.

This is because the pinhole leak is not caused by outside forces. They are the result of corrosion that begins within your pipes, and then works its way out. This is a serious issue due to the fact that these leaks develop over time, and because they are so small. They are not going to flood a basement, cause major backups, or result in other immediately obvious problems.

They will do a lot of damage when given the opportunity, though. If you develop pinhole leaks at one point in your copper pipes, then chances are it's not an isolated event. If you don't notice these leaks for some time, issues with water damage, wood rot, and even the promotion of biological pollutants can become an issue. Damp conditions are never something that you want in your home.

So What Can I Do About It?

This is a frustrating problem by its very nature, and it is one that even the most responsible of homeowners have come up against. The "good" news is that you can take some proactive measures. Look for dimpling!

No, we're not talking about the divots in your cheeks. We're talking about sunken areas in the pipe that could indicate that water is edging closer to bursting through. Aside from that, remember to keep on the lookout for problems that any type of leak could cause—increased water bills, the sound of mysterious dripping, signs of dampness, mildew odors, etc.

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